A review by sydverse
Out Of Touch by Michael Sarais


Buddy read this with my brother for a book club! This was such a delightful surprise in how much I loved this book and how emotional it was. I don’t typically gravitate towards the right person/wrong time stories (too much angst for me) so had we not decided on this for book club I probably wouldn’t have ever had this book on my radar, but wow this was great! Both humorous which also heart breaking and weaving those two together in a way that allowed this story to tell such a beautiful tale which never feeling too heavy for me. I laughed, I cried a little, I got angry, I just felt so many things!! And whenever a book is able to make me feel so viscerally like that it’s an automatic 5/5. My one complaint was that, at times, the writing style (consisting often of very short sentences that were very simple and to the point) grated me especially at the beginning. The books I’ve read recently have all been very focused on prose and had very whimsical writing styles, so getting used to this book took some time. Once I got a bit into Part 1 I didn’t notice it anymore, and I don’t this the more simple writing hinders the ability of the story to unfold and get across the intended emotions, but I do remember texting my brother a few times saying I was missing commas :,-). Like I said though, I got used to it and it didn’t hurt the actual story, just a personal thing! 

Overall a beautiful story about love, grief, and perseverance that will probably stick with me for some time and one I’m very glad I stumbled upon!