A review by wannabe_bennett_sister
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


It does feel like an autobiography.
1) Descriptions:
The simplest of things are described so beautifully for ex. the book that Jane reads as a kid, you can almost see the pages, picture every bird in their habitat.
2) Jane as a kid:
Everything about jane as a kid is amazing and the fact that it was one of the first books to that is so surreal.
3) Conversions:
Every important conversation (and each one is made Important) exudes so many different emotions like the conversation between Jane and Mrs. Reed before Jane leaves for Lowood, conversations between Jane and Bessie, Jane and Helen, Jane and St. John, and every interaction ever between Jane and Mr. Rochester
4) Never Judgemental
You can see how even after people are not really nice to her, she finds it hard to hate them. Trying to reconcile with Mrs. Reed, her characterization of St. John all show she never considers them terrible human beings.
5) Honour and self-respect always comes first
In every situation, may it be as a kid or an adult, she stands proud, never considering to steep low. The fact that she is not jealous of Miss Ingram, she never takes an extra penny from Mr Rochester , equally divides her money among the Rivers shows that she will in any case sustain her respect. (I know she took a day to get out of thornfield but she was in love, give her a break.)
6) Beauty is not a standard
I know that Jane stood for a woman who was not your usual hits you in the face kinda pretty and that it was a point Charlotte Bronte was trying to make but we don't see all beautiful women to have no character. Different facets of beautiful woman are potrayed by Georgianna, Miss Ingram, the Rivers sisters where each has a different sort of relationship with Jane.
7) Mr. Rochester
And finally, we all fall for Mr. Rochester ( don't tell me you don't) as Jane falls for him. I know he had a wife locked in the attic and almost married Jane bue we somehow feel more pity and sympathy and love for him than anger or hatred.