A review by nebulina
Beautiful Russian Monster by Odette Stone


it was the most perfect book i have read in this 2022. i loved it with all my heart.

i didnt read andrusha book, but good as hell im going to. viktor took all my heart and left no crumbs, the character development and the romance/suspension this book has is so fucking good i almost came twice reading it. the narrative is exquisite, the characters are even better and i never loved a man more than viktor (i imagined him as Markiplier im not going to lie that might took a big part in the role) i was kinda disappointed by the character development of pierre, i think he could been better (spoiler: maybe be the ex-bf of jules) but so far so good, kinda reminded me of a high school boy.
the end sure as hell leave u hanging, i would LOVE a second part of this, maybe a short novel with viktor's past or something.

the smut was so good that i though i was the one being fucked. that's all i have to say.
this book DID NOT disappointed and im going to read it more than once im sure. i love this and i want it tattoed on my left boob