A review by cordiallybarbara
Ismeni by Tosca Lee


On a scale of cotton candy to Brussels sprouts, Ismeni by Tosca Lee is one exquisite bite of a freshly ripened peach. Straight from the branch and warmed in the sun, that one bite of peach entices you to eat a whole bushel yourself. But can anything be better than that first bite?

Ismeni was born under an evil star. Despite the superstition, she is one of the most beautiful faces of her time. She spends her childhood hiding because she is blamed for the bad harvest, a dead horse, and so much more. But is she more than the girl born under an evil star?

A short story prequel to the The Legend of Sheba, Ismeni broke my heart and mended it together again within so few pages. Basically, Tosca Lee wrote a short story with multi-layered characters and interesting story line in such a short word count. I'll be thinking on this story for the rest of the day.

If you love strong female characters set in another time and place, Ismeni is definitely for you.