A review by shalini_rasamdaa
The Siege of Abythos by Phil Tucker


I actually have no issue with the storyline. I love how the story progresses, it felt quite organic, even if Tharok felt too much of a deux ex machina sometimes. I love the world-building, and I like most of the characters.

However, Phil Tucker desperately needs an editor. I knocked off a star for the numerous instances of poor editing, which for me really hampered my enjoyment of the story. It's most likely due to the author churning the books so quickly. The dedication is commendable and that this story is actually well-fleshed out for such a short time spent writing it, speaks to the author's skill. I hope the author takes note and corrects the issues.

1) There is a paragraph where Ser Tiron describes Iskra's beauty. It is wholly lifted from the previous book. Copy-pasted! How extraordinarily lazy.
2) Wrong spelling - characters' names misspelled from one page to the next. Wrong words used - improbably for improbable, ascent for assent.
3) Weird sentence structures. "For refusing to allow her brother-in-law to steal what was rightfully hers." It is total nonsense in context.
4) During the Virtue tournament, somehow a character defeats a dark-skinned, heavyset Zoeian woman three times. Three times? Either large Zoeian females are over-represented among the Consecrated, and also somehow they all get pitted against this character.... or else the author lost track of his own plot somewhere.
5) One of Audsley's, ahem, guests changes genders at one point. Also a Zoeian. Gee.
6) Mixis is a Bythian, but suddenly he sported "wild black hair". Eh?

These are the biggest ones that really stuck. There are so, so many more. It's a shame that poor editing should spoil a good story. FIX IT DUDE. Kthanx