A review by flaviathebibliophile
One Creepy Street: Annica's Broom by Lee Jordan


I wasn’t really sure what to expect when first looking at the cover of this book, but the illustrations looked amusing, and I’ve liked witches and/or Halloween-themed things since I was a child (so I would likely have picked this book up as a kid too).

The amount of words per page makes this book seem like it is for older children, rather than very, very young ones. The rhyming was amusing, and I found the message to be very modern. It presented the consequences for using technology while driving, in a light manner, while also making it clear that what has happened to Annica is not a pleasant thing.

I found the illustrations very enjoyable. They were very unique, as well as very detailed. Every time that I flip through this book, I find that I notice a new things which I had not noticed before!

I would buy, and would also recommend this book.