A review by centurymoon_reads
Discord by Drethi Anis


This booke is a contiutation of Organized Chaos, the story of Brandon and Mia. Their banter or hatred for each other is so enjoyable to read about and the lengths they go to get on the other person's nerves. I mean, he buys a fancy coffee machine because he finds out she's using her fire escape to get coffee from the kitchen without having to walk past him. He wants to see her and talk with her and be near her, so he buys a coffee machine without instructions to use, so she will have to rely on him to make her a coffee every times she wants one.

I loved the sexy time scenes, the pantry, and the bedroom (with other people on the other side of the door trying to talk to her), all of them were great. The coffee machine was a brilliant idea for the H to get alone time with the h. 

Please read the full authors note (below is a portion) the themes of this book can be disturbing for some, and some might even say ick, but if it's for you I do hope you enjoy...I know I did enjoy the parts I read.

The authors note says:
This novel contains dubious sexual scenes and discussions of mental health issues. It's an age-gap romance with an underaged teenager. Depending on your comfort zone, the content might disturb you.

With this being said, I made it to 70% and could not continue. When the manipulation turned to coercion, it was too much for me. The manipulation was fine with me. The underage was okay with me, but the coercion was too much for me personally.