A review by chaoticreadingclub
Star Wars: Rebel Heist by Marco Castiello, Adam Hughes, Matt Kindt, Gabe Eltab, Marco Castiello, Dan Parsons, Michael Heisler


The first issue of Rebel Heist was brilliant and promising, and now that I have finished the last issue I am entirely disappointed. All of the comics explore the different main rebels from a third person, birds-eye kind of view, which is interesting but evolved into a repetitive annoyed fan dedication. All of the issues basically said the same thing, "I am in awe blank persons, don't blanks persons kick ass? Look how dedicated blank persons are,"....and then the story just sort of evaporated. My suspicion is that Dark Horse simply brushed this series under the rug and didn't care about a cohesive or progression story like for the redundant last HOO-RAH!