A review by shazov
Painting Fire on the Air by J.P. Barnaby


J.P. Barnaby is one of my favourite authors. She is one that I know will never disappoint. Her stories are solid and exceptionally well told. Her characters have the ability to grab hold of my heart and they never let go! My heart still bleeds when I think of Ethan and Aaron... So I'll admit I was a little scared to start this one.

But this book is different. Definitely no less impact than the others, but in a different manner. While it still carries the emotional punch that I've come to expect, it wasn't such a huge rollercoaster rolling from one angst filled moment to the next. This one seemed more even, more balanced. The depth of emotion is still there, but I felt I had room to breathe amongst the angst.

Honestly, I'm having a great deal of trouble saying how this book made me feel. I'm struggling to find the words, so let me just say this: J.P., I don't know how you do it, but please keep doing it!