A review by warriorpickle
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card


This book is masterful and I'm extremely mad at myself for not finishing this series so much sooner....but then again, maybe it's good I waited.

My story with the Enders Game books seems to have a long history. I started Enders Game in high school. Ended up buying the audio for my wife years later. Then after she finished, we listened to Speaker for the Dead. And now, finally, another full set of years later, I'm finally finished with Xenocide.

To be honest it might be a good thing I waited. If I had read Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide while I was still in high school I probably would have sluffed this series off and never given it another thought. Enders Game was fast paced action with kids in a battle school! The latter 2 books are philosophical thought provokers that encourage you to think. That was not high school me.

With that out of the way I have to say how utterly impressed with this book I am. It has many ideas that make you question a lot, but in a good way. It challenges you on what is good and what is evil and what one person thinks does not diminish someone's else's differing thought. It has scientific ideas that are explained in a way stupid 'ol me could understand, and almost made me feel smart that I understood it. It's also a story about family, and struggles that a family has and how no matter how much you think you're right, you can still be wrong. After all, everyone is the hero to their own story.

With that being said this book is obviously not packed with action, but nevertheless I still didn't ever want to stop reading. I couldn't wait to pick the book back up and read more of the characters story. It was an expertly weaved tale from beginning to end and Card tells that tale with artfully crafted strokes of the pen, like a painter creating a beautiful painting. And it all culminated together in a wonderful way. There is a lot left open at the end of the book, but it still somehow managed to have a satisfying ending.

I was very pleased with this book, obviously. It might be one of my new favorites. But even with that being said I don't think this is a book for everyone. If you somehow found this review after you've read Speaker for the Dead and you liked that book, this is more similar to that, but better, in my humble opinion. If you like books that make you think and challenge you through other people's stories, then definitely give this a go.

I'm so happy I read this. And I'm so happy I ended up reading this now instead of way earlier in my life when I wouldn't have appreciated it. It also makes me wonder why I'm not reading more OSC books. Shame on me.