A review by ayushinayak
Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire by Myke Cole, Andrew Zimmerman Jones, James Lowder


I have read innumerable accounts on TSOIAF; comparisons, fan fictions, what with free internet and rampant blogging but reading a descriptive analysis by famous authors of the same genre is pure bliss. Why?
Read an account of GRRM's perfect grasp of PTSS or maybe a talk on the inclusion of the exclusive and you would get to know.
I never could tell an academic dissertation apart from plain textbook knowledge but after this book, I think I am a step closer to getting the hang of it.
I am a big fan of the series and with my analytical grasping abilities, the pleasure of being a true fan somehow got lost due to my arrogance. This account brought into light just how much input has been made into creating the series and how the best of its fans perceive it. Truly humbled. I look forward to read some more of such delights.
Till then, ciao!