A review by brittanymariereads
The Source by J.D. Horn


Ugh, my feelers. This book sure did a number on me.

It will be hard to review this book without giving too much away but here it goes. The Source begins with Mercy attempting to adapt to the new roles that she find herself in. It seems as though everything and everyone is working against her. When someone she thought long dead enters her life she begins to question everything. Who can she trust? How can she make the right decisions when everyone around her is keeping secrets? She will do everything she can to protect herself and those she loves as soon as she figures out who the enemy is.

I absolutely adored this book! It was slightly less wonderful that The Line, the first book in the Witching Savannah series. I have found that the second book in a trilogy is often used to build for the climax of the third book, so I was not disappointed or surprised.

The characters and all of their quirks have really grown on me. I really started rooting for Mercy and the rest of the Taylor clan. In the Source we find out a few new things about some of these characters that will leave you begging for answers. There is also a death in the book that will rip your heart out but of course I can't tell you who because that just takes all of the fun out of it!

This book was the perfect mix of fantasy, magic, rebellion and sex. If you haven't read it yet you are missing out!

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