A review by _frosphate_
The Jungle: The Uncensored Original Edition by Upton Sinclair


I honestly think that "The Jungle" will haunt me for the rest of my life. I found it depressing and disturbing. Sinclair ultimately aimed to promote socialism, however I found his arguments to be overshadowed by his horrific portrayal of the meat industry. Sinclair actually worked for a meat processing plant while doing research for his story, and the subsequent publication of his book helped lead to the passage of legislation enacting further regulation of the meat industry.

One instance I did not fully understand was how the main character, Jurgis, arrived to find his family after being released from prison. In the passage it describes his hair as being a mess when he arrived, but a previous passage described Jurgis speaking to a boy at the house he previously rented, in which it states that the boy could tell that Jurgis was just released from prison due to his shaved head. Perhaps I misunderstood, but both passages seemed to me to occur on the same day, but contained contradictory descriptions of Jurgis.