A review by kosmond
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard


My Review: I enjoyed reading Pretty Little Liars. For me, because I live a drama free life (for the most part), reading about other peoples drama can be somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine!
The characters in this book are these rich, young and beautiful girls who really shouldn't have much to worry about about at their age. But with money comes power and lies and secrets. And all of the girls in this novel have their share of those.
We meet the group of 5 girls; Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Emily and Alison and we get a glimpse into their (twisted) friendship where one of these "life-long" friends calls all of the shots. Right away, I'm reminded of the new 90210 TV series. The whole who's dating who, who's wearing what, and just the look into the lives of these young, rich people and their parents are similar to each other.
I had no idea that Pretty Little Liars would draw me in the way it did. I was always eager to read and find out a little more and I needed to know what would happen next. I loved that Shepard used short chapters, these are my favourite because I can then sneak in some reading wherever (the line up at Tim Hortons, waiting at the bus stop, you name it!) I like stopping at the end of a short chapter as opposed to in the middle of a long chapter.
Overall, I cannot wait to read the next books in the PLL series, Spencer and Aria are my favourite girls of the group and I want to dive back into their lives, and see what "A" has in store for them and the others!