A review by gabrielleiscurrentlyreading
The Cleaner by Paul Cleave


I was very excited about this book. New Zealand+serial killer should have been a great read but sadly wasn’t.

The intro starts with a bang and highly peaked my interest so I kept reading.
He’s first and foremost a serial rapist, not a serial killer. His main interest was raping women. The killing part only happened so that he wouldn’t get caught. You know, “Leave no witness behind” kinda thing.
He pretends to be a mentally handicapped person working as a janitor in a police station. He not only pretends to be mentally handicapped but makes the most stupid decisions and mistakes.
Joe is suppose to be this highly intelligent serial killer but in actuality he’s far from it. There’s nothing worse than reading about a serial killer who thinks he’s this highly intelligent person but is ultimately just an idiot skirting by due to the ineptness of the police department.
I love all things horror/serial killer/dark humor/true crime podcasts BUT reading about the graphic details he’d get into concerning rape or the scene where Joe gets tied to a tree (you know what scene I’m talking about) was gross and crude. It wasn’t interesting at all.