A review by brianna_4pawsandabook
Legendary by Stephanie Garber


There were so many things I liked about this book. I loved the plot and utilizing fates and cards to determine your destiny. I loved the atmosphere. I loved Dante, and I even loved Jacks. There were a few things I really didn't like about this book. I don't like how Stephanie Garber describes things so vaguely saying that something was the color of anxiety, or smelled of intense desire. That doesn't explain anything (also, those exact phrases may not be in the book specifically, but I was trying to give you an idea... I didn't keep tabs of the exact quotes). I also did not like how Julian was treated at the end.
Spoiler I feel like at the end, he was just tossed aside and Scarlett is going to look for her ex fiance, just because. Julian didn't do anything to deserve it, and I feel like it was a little out of left field... Hopefully it is resolved in Finale.
. Overall though, it was a really good book!