A review by debbie2232
Graceling by Kristin Cashore


I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy the story but I felt that things were a tad bit rushed in this story. When I first started reading I was hooked into this book right away, the further I got into it the more Katsa started to get on my nerves. Let me explain, so Po is such a sweet guy and he has such a kind loving heart, now I understand he lied about his grace, but it made perfect sense as to why he did lie to Katsa at first. But Katsa was so angry at him even though he kept telling her how sorry he was for that, Po was so patient and understanding with her but she kept pushing him away. I also did not understand why she refused to marry and told Po she may leave him at some random point. That really annoyed me, because he told her he loved her and just left him for a while to think about it, like really? The other thing is the ending, she still would not marry and still said she may leave him at some point, yet she got so upset when he could have died, I'm sorry but wth??? I understand not wanting to marry so young but to say she may leave him after everything. Gosh it made me so mad! Overall Katsa pissed me off through out this whole book. I really love Po though, he is such a sweet character. I honestly cried when I found out he lost his vision. Overall I feel that this was more of a rant review, ugh I just have so many mixed feelings about this book. I did really like Bitterblue though she was very smart at such a young age. I really am sad I did not like this book as much as I thought I would have. The romance was cute and the idea of the story was good, I just felt that some of the characters could have been written better. I would have to give this one 3 stars.