A review by kimreadsthings
A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly


DNF at 25%.

Apparently even when it's genre I just can't enjoy NA. This is boring. The writing style is trying too hard, and not succeeding, at utilizing an authentic feeling 20s dialogue. And I haven't felt any sense of atmosphere for the time and setting. Also, nothing has happened so far. My interest is not piqued, so I see no reason to continue on.

I think the most difficult hurdle for me is that one of the main characters, and love interest, is a huge jerk. Be a jerk MC fine, but don't also be the love interest that I'm supposed to want the heroine to fall in love with. I skimmed ahead a little and I'm not impressed with
Spoiler the fact that Joan takes a turn to the dark side, while Alex becomes the "good guy" who must save her for her own good. Blah.