A review by lactomar
The Born Queen by Greg Keyes, Greg Keyes


I don't know how I feel about this series. In the end, it was a great read, I powered through all four very quickly. Honestly, I haven't stayed up late to finish a book in a long time and The Born Queen did it for me. Awesome world building and character progression. Strong female protagonists. A great read, but a few things really bugged me primarily the chapter structure which I get into below.

A few nitpicks and major spoilers below:
I respect he was trying to keep a fantasy epic series more succinct then is typical, in large part he did an amazing job, just enough detail to keep the world rich and built out but not too bloated, but the ending was just a touch rushed and not everything got tied up in a satisfying way (hespero and stephen/black jester ending were quite abrupt and I wish they were a little more developed, I also still don't understand the whole get my daughter to be the new Briar King oh wait I'm the Briar king now, again felt abrupt).

The author also has this weird style of jumping around with chapter narrators, but then does a LOT of cliff hangers at the chapter ending, then either skip the action or time skip (or both) when you pick back up with them 4-8 chapters later. Made it very difficult to follow some of the storylines.

Regardless, still a very enjoyable read and one of the best series I've read in a long time. I would easily recommend any fan of fantasy pick them up.