A review by katekate_reads_
Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras


Are you in need of a vacation but can’t get away? Island Affair was the opportunity I needed to escape to Key West each evening while still making it to work every morning.

Sara is about to meet up with her family for a vacation there. Right when she arrives, she learns her boyfriend isn’t going to show up and it’s the final straw. She ends things with him. But - that leaves her on her own to spend a week with her family and she’s always felt insecure about measuring up to her siblings. Enter Luis - who just happens to be in the right place at the right time. Who doesn’t love a good fake boyfriend story??

What I loved:
- the Key West setting - all the beautiful ways it was described and ESPECIALLY the Cuban food. Did I have to change my dinner plans and pick up Cuban this week? Absolutely.
- the family dynamics - Luis and Sara each have challenges with some of their sibling dynamics. And their family interactions are different in some ways - I really enjoyed seeing both.

What I didn’t:
- Sara’s eating disorder recovery is a major subplot of the story. Something about the way it was a major factor combined with the descriptions of her perfect string bikini body and many references to her weight just didn’t sit right for me. I recognize this could very much be my own issue and not bother anyone else.

Thank you very much to Kensington for the advance reading copy.