A review by slimcakeyreads
His Ranch, His Rules by Shanna Handel


I knew this book was going to be goofy going into it, but I needed a break between paranormal romance novels so I picked it up on a lark.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s completely readable and if you find alcoholism and self destruction and a heroine who acts like a bratty teenager than this will certainly be up your alley. If you like a book that is written entirely from one POV and that switches to some weird diary format in the second half, this book will keep you entertained. If you like a rushed romance between a man of indeterminate age who doesn’t drink or swear but who likes anal sex and spanking and a youngish woman with no real goals or purpose in life than this will keep you riveted to your seat.

Me? Not so much. Just because it’s a kinky/naughty romance novel doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve to be written well.

The relationship between the h/H is just weird and clunky and awkward...it’s not sexy at all. Even the spanking parts were just....weird. And I’ve read some off the wall books, okay?

I finished it, because like I said before it’s readable...but barely. And all the cringing I did has given me an eye twitch.

Major pet peeves:

1. Do not describe characters by using “looks just like Luke Bryan” because a. Not everyone knows who that is and b. Now I’m thinking of Luke Bryan and not this character you want me to envision. It’s lazy writing.

2. The diary thing? Again....lazy. Half the book happened and I had to read about it second hand from a first person POV book....it was weird and what is she five years old? The diary thing was childish and a way for the author to push a story along without having to actually write it. Is Microsoft Word charging by the letter now? Was there a word shortage the year this was written? Why couldn’t the book be longer?

3. The cop out explanation at the end? (No spoilers)....that was the lamest thing I’ve ever heard.

I get it, kinky books are money makers. But, at least try to write something worthwhile. This story fell completely flat.