A review by abigailsshelf
Psion Beta by Jacob Gowans


It has been a while since I have loved a Young Adult book as much as I have loved this one. It is the perfect blend of Divergent and Maze Runner that all dystopian fans will be in love with.

Psion Beta was a different read than what I would go for but I loved it. I was entranced by the plot of the different anomalies, the battles, and the overall idea of what was going on. The reason why they were at war was a little confusing for me but I could have just missed it. Every character was well developed, I remembered characters that were mentioned at the beginning and were not introduced until later because of how well they were written.

To be asked to choose a favorite is like being asked to choose a favorite child, but Sammy is a top runner. With the way that Gowans wrote his story with seeing not telling, it makes you want to cry for him and also weep for joy. Jeffie would rank towards the bottom, just because I think that she was accurately written as a teenage girl and she was annoying, as someone who was a teenage girl, it is true.

I can not wait to read the rest of this series, if it is anything like the first book, it will be a five star read.