A review by lovehollyxx
Finding My Way by Heidi McLaughlin


The moment has finally come. We met Liam Page in FOREVER MY GIRL, and followed his life alongside his bandmates and his forever girl, Josie, in the Beaumont series; but now it's time to find out how QB1 Liam Westbury, became 4225 West lead singer, Liam Page.

Up until this point, the Beaumont series has been Adult Contemporary Romance, but author Heidi McLaughlin tries her hand at New Adult Contemporary Romance for this prequel, that sees 18 year old Liam, struggling with the expectations to be who everyone around him, wants him to be.

I loved going back in time with these characters. Seeing young Liam, Josie, Mason, Katelyn, and Nick, in school and just knowing how their lives are going to turn out, because of the choices they make during this time was great, and seeing Liam move to LA, and meet Harrison - who is my absolute favourite band member - was beyond exciting.

We know the basics of how the band came to be, but actually seeing it all play out in this latest release was fantastic. It's like a fictional groupie's dream.

It's the perfect read for fans of the Beaumont series, to get inside Liam's head a little more, and be able to better understand the decisions he made, that lead to one of our favourite fictional rock bands, and series.

I don't want to believe that this series will ever end because I love it so much that I never want to have to say goodbye to these characters, and their lives.

FINDING MY WAY is the perfect addition to the Beaumont series, and has left me desperate to start the series again from the beginning. I can't get enough. I'm definitely a 4225 West girl for life.

"I love you Jojo. You're forever my girl."