A review by glo68
A Perilous Flirtation by Felicity Niven


It’s difficult for a new author to write an astounding debut novel such as Convergence of Desire and then live up to her readers’ expectations with her following books. But Felicity Niven certainly did that with her second book, Clandestine Passion, and really surpassed herself with this third! As it happens far too often with a good book, I started reading this one and couldn’t put it down, so I ended up reading well into the night! The characters are wonderful, vivid, unforgettable. Alasdair is a big cinnamon roll, sweet and capable and gorgeous and loving… Just maybe a tad too timid in his approach to Arabella. Arabella is “dauntless”, as her doctor calls her, brave, sweet and passionate. The writing flows beautifully and it’s deceptively simple, while in reality it’s craftily constructed to elicit emotions in the reader instead of handing them on a silver platter. My love for this author is increasing with every book and I really hope she’ll be known and loved by many in the future. As always, five stars are not enough to express my admiration!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.