A review by ljrinaldi
The King of Bees by Lester L. Laminack


There is an otherworldliness to this book, set in the Carolinas between the sea and the land, where the fresh water mixes with salt. Henry is living with his Aunt Lilla, who keeps bees, and rather than being afraid, he feels he can talk to them, and do their dance, to tell them where to go.

It is a dreamtime sort of story. And it is based on the authors own time with his grandmother, who did not keep bees, but who had bees in her garden.

This picture below, where the boy is trying to lure the bees to their new house, and instead they follow him to the porch where he is taking a nap, shows just how unafraid he is.

Lovely book about being one with nature, and respecting it as well. Plus, kids get to learn about bees. :)

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.