A review by a_novel_ty
Blood Drive by Jeanne C. Stein


You know, you don’t really realize you’ve been reading lackluster books until you come across some that are REALLY good. I mean from the characters, their development and interactions with each other, the overall plot and pace of the story, everything in these Anna strong vampire novels just work.

In blood drive we find Anna still adjusting to life as a vampire having only been one for six months at the start of the novel. she has yet to reconcile whatever issues have arisen from her killing her former mentor and lover Avery, but she has made a new friend, Culebra who seems to have her best interest at heart. even though he refuses to tell her what he is…

This book focuses on Anna finding out that she may have a teenage niece who is caught up in everything from murder, involvement in kiddie porn and an elaborate coverup facilitated by the FBI.

Once this book hits it’s stride, and it does so very quickly, all bets are off and anything can happen. things went down in this book that had me dumbfounded. it is completely unpredictable and utterly entertaining, I can’t believe i’m only just finding out about this series because boy have I been missing out.

A new character, Daniel Frey is introduced in this book and he helps answer a few of Anna’s (and my) questions. like what her friend Culebra is and why he can so easily read her thoughts and intentions. Frey a teacher at the school Anna’s “niece” attends and is someway involved in everything that is happening. oh yea, he’s also a shapeshifter.

Jeanne has a knack for taking you through a story without letting on if you can ever really and truly trust anyone but Anna in her books. surprisingly though, I don’t find that to be the least bit frustrating. it makes the story more interesting and the twists and turns that much more shocking when they happen. I didn’t know if I could trust Frey completely until the very last chapter of the book.

There isn’t really anything that I disliked about this book. the only thing I can think of is Anna still doesn’t know what she is completely. (Chief Williams who is also a vampire suggested that she is more than just your run of the mill vampire in the first novel) and we also don’t find out why Williams was so adamant about getting Anna out of town in the previous book either. but i guess Anna’s evasiveness is more to blame than a plot hole. so I’ll give it a pass this time.

Can’t wait to read the next book!!!