A review by bookstley
Dangerous Temptation by Giana Darling


Definitely wasn’t excepting this book to turn out like it did. I’m really on the fence on whether I’m creeped out or intrigued.

When I started reading the books within the Midnight Dynasty world, I always wanted to know more about Tiernan Morelli. He was the black sheep of the family, the outcast – which is the type of characters that I’m drawn to. I’m glad that we got his backstory in Dangerous Temptation, but I don’t think that I’m so into his character now.

Tiernan starts dating Bianca’s mother and then she passes… so, he moves onto Bianca. To me that was just a very weird twist. And no, I’m not spoiling anything – you can pretty much find that info in the description of the book.

Bianca did capture my attention and I did truly enjoy her character. She was strong and more of a mother than her own mother was. I liked seeing her relationship with her little brother, Brandon. However, since she pretty much was the main caretaker of the child, she should’ve known more information about the illness he deals with. Tiernan’s relationship with Brandon was adorable, too… he wanted to dislike the kid, but you could tell that he really didn’t and he enjoyed being around him.

Dangerous Temptation was a quick read (for me) and I liked some of the things that happened in the book and other’s, I could’ve done without. I’m interested to see what happens next for this Tiernan, Bianca and Brandon.