A review by cosmicpages
Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes


I read this book back in my freshmen year of high school after spending my study period walking amongst the shelves. I can remember exactly when I began reading it because it happened to fall on my birthday that year. I didn't know anything at all about the book when I picked it up. I had never heard of it. When I turned it over and read the synopsis on the back cover, the first thing that immediately stuck out to me was the main character's name, Danica.

I immediately borrowed the book and finished it in one sitting.

Her name peaked my interest because it was the first time I had come across anyone, fictional character, or real person, that had my name. (Of course, mine has had the spelling changed, but I digress.)

It wasn't the name that sucked me into the story though. It was the beautiful world in which Amelia Atwater-Rhodes dropped you into from the very first page. The world building of Hawksong was phenomenal. It's the incredibly detailed cultures and customs that were entirely unique to the story that guide your immersion into the world of the Avian and Serpentine kingdoms. The character details and personalities were flawlessly crafted as well, especially Zane Cobriana, oh my word.

There is just no words to describe the love I have for this book.

I recently decided to pick up a copy of this book again, 12 years later, along with the rest of the series. I intend to reread every one of those books and fall in love with them all over again.