A review by norna28
Olive's Ocean by Kevin Henkes


This story is about a young woman named Martha who is 13. Martha is a sweet girl who is trying to find her place not only in the world but also in her family. A girl,Olive, from her school has recently died from an accident and Martha is trying to understand what is death and life and what Olive would have been like. She and her family travel to the coast to visit her grandmother. While on this vacation Martha comes to understand a bit of what life is, who her grandmother is, as well as what love is. Martha is a quirky red-head who is trying to understand what life is and where she belongs in it.
I thought this book was fun. Kevin Henkes brings so much personality and quirkness not only in Martha but in all of his characters. Henkes style of writing and portraying his characters and setting was well done. I enjoyed this quirky tale and all of Henkes characters in it.