A review by kimberlyfaye_reads
Falling into You by Jasinda Wilder


“We understand each other, Nelly. We’ve both lost someone we love. We both have scars and regrets and anger. We can do this together.”

“I’m not just falling in love with you, Nell. I’m falling into you. You’re an ocean, and I’m falling in, drowning in the depths of who you are. Like you said, it’s scary in a way, but it’s also the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. You are the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”

It’s safe to say Falling Into You began my book obsession with Jasinda Wilder. The cover and short blurb on Goodreads instantly drew me to this book. I knew from the minute I started reading the book that it would wreck me. I just didn’t know to what extent.

Based on the blurb above, I assumed the book would begin after Kyle’s tragic accident. Boy, was I wrong. We were given the opportunity to watch Kyle and Nell’s relationship grow from friendship into love. It was the perfect high school romance: sweet and innocent love. They were a wonderful match. It all fell apart one stormy night after they had a fight. Kyle was killed in an accident, Nell was there and could do nothing to help him, and my heart broke for them both.

Enter Colton, Kyle’s older brother. He’s everything Kyle wasn’t. He’s everything Nell needs right then. Nell and Colton share the same self-destructive tendencies. They share a love of music. They share a passion that will help them get through their pasts. What originally began as a bond over grief at losing Kyle, quickly grew into something far different. Their relationship was not an innocent high school romance. It was intense, more mature, and centered around want and need. It was a different kind of love and it was incredible to read about it.

The characters in this book are really what drives the story. Jasinda writes characters you can’t help but feel passionate about. I loved Nell right from the start. Sure, she had issues, but she never fully broke. It would have been so easy to portray her as someone who needed a man to put her back together. That wasn’t the case. He was her protector when she needed it, but more than that, Colton helped Nell let go. He didn’t fix her. He pushed her out of her comfort zone, personally, sexually and otherwise. (And, OMG, the sexy scenes were really hot. Hawt, even.) He helped her recognize it was ok to not be “old Nell” anymore. The dynamic between them was so very passionate. It was powerful. They had both been through so much in their lives. Reading about them fighting their past and their demons together really made the book for me.

It’s hard to really put into words all this book made me feel. It was so very intense. It grabbed me, shook me a few times and made me feel all the feelings along the way. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone and everyone who enjoys New Adult lit. The sequel, [b:Falling Into Us|17700010|Falling Into Us (Falling, #2)|Jasinda Wilder|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1369400872s/17700010.jpg|24744004], was just as incredible – if not more so. But that’s a review for another day. :)

This review and more can be found on my blog.