A review by nightxade
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #1 by Andy Price, Katie Cook


Originally posted on The BiblioSanctum:

If you have not yet come to understand the hype behind the current incarnation of My Little Pony, then I will explain it briefly: MLP has changed significantly from its days of rainbows and unicorns. It now has plot and character development driving episodes that deal with all sorts of relevant topics, including prejudice, compromise, overcoming fears, self confidence, perseverance and more in a manner that treats kids like they have actual brains in their little heads.

The six main characters are all females, as is the MLP standard, however, they aren't nearly as "girly" as they used to be and the ones that are more "girly" are respectfully so. They each have defining traits and they also have defining flaws. Unlike previous incarnations, there are also clearly male ponies in the herd and, while they don't feature prominently, they do serve purpose. The show goes a long way to breaking gender stereotypes, and I love the fact that grown men have come to like the show. However, since gender stereotyping and prejudice still exists so heavily in our society, these "Bronies" feel compelled to justify their appreciation of a show that really is simply great for everypony. Er. Everyone.

The overall theme in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is - wait for it - the magic of friendship! This theme continues in volume one of the comic where Queen Chrysalis, who first appeared in the season two finale, has attacked Ponyville. Her changeling minions have taken over and kidnapped the young Cutie Mark Crusaders (CMC). Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy head off on a quest to get the three young ponies back. Queen Chrysalis has given them three days to make the journey, but Twilight Sparkle realizes that, in three days, the Secretariat Comet will be passing through the Horsehead Nebula and will greatly amplify magic in all of Equestria.

The quest becomes a typical test of wits against the dangers of the land, but the friends also have to deal with problems with their friendship when the conniving changelings trick them into breaking up the fillyship.

There are a lot of running gags, such as the CMC's obsession with obtaining their cutie marks and, well, anything that crazy Pinkie Pie does. The many internet-based memes have also made their way into the show and comic, adding to the laughs. There were also a few tidbits of interesting facts and information.

I enjoy when children's entertainment includes appropriate levels of humour to make it enjoyable for adults as well. It encourages the adults to participate more with their children - something that is becoming less and less of a priority for many for various reasons. This is something that the current My Little Pony does so well - more so because they still include the kids on the grown-up jokes by making a lot of them visual. Kids might not understand the context, but they can appreciate the imagery at their level. For my girls, it was an added bonus because we've made a point of introducing them to a lot of the things we loved when we were growing up. We shared a mighty laugh over the giant marshmallow attacking Manehattan!

I had a great time reading this comic to my daughters, age seven and five, and will definitely be adding this series to our collection.