A review by robotswithpersonality
Making Money by Terry Pratchett

How? HOW?! It's about fucking Finance and it was awesome!  An entertaining fantasy story centering on the development of modern forms of legal tender?! He's done it again! Okay, admittedly there was a whole side plot about golems which you don't tend to see in discussions of funds, but really this was just a perfect sequel to the first book featuring this main character. Going Postal went in depth with fixing up the Post, this had a leg up when it came to fixing the Bank, as the reader is (hopefully) already familiar with Lipwig's silver tongue and gold suit. I think more than any of the  #discworldbooks I've read, I would advise reading Going Postal before Making Money. There's a pleasing pattern to how certain characters previously introduced act, and it's fun to dip back into scenarios with those personalities. Very glad to realize there's one more Lipwig story I haven't read, in chronological order, no less! Sidebar: I very much appreciated the observance of the seemingly arbitrary nature of gender in the golems, which can only be determined by the individual and then must be respected by the masses; could spark good discussion. 👌🏻