A review by kelbell182
The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton


Reviewing each of these books individually is something I am just not capable of doing. Each book intertwines with the other so completely that it is nearly impossible to separate them. The relationships are complicated and nothing is black and white.

It seems to me that after the first 4 or so books, the author developed a love of BDSM. The series takes a twist from Urban Fantasy and ends up in the Erotic Fantasy. At first, the story doesn’t suffer and the erotic moments are a part of the story rather than consuming the entire plot. That is at first though….

After about book 11 or 12, the erotic becomes the sole focus. Sure, other stuff is going on, but it is all pushed to the back burner. There are so many relationships that is gets hard to be invested in each one of them.

I had to just ignore the parts that described anyone’s clothing, it was that bad. Sure, the series started a long time ago, but even in the more recent books, there are shoulder pads… yeah, should pads. Ugh! Plus, all of the men have long hair. ALL of them!!

All of the supernatural beings stick pretty close the versions told throughout history. The vampires can’t be in the sun, the werewolves have a short temper and get protective, the demons are bad… no need to reinvent the wheel here people.