A review by holtfan
Shopping for a Billionaire Box Set One by Julia Kent


I got the first two novellas in this series for free a few years back and after relatively enjoying them, kept telling myself I would buy the rest of the series "one of these days."
Except I never did. Which is probably for the best. My library eventually bought them and I don't foresee myself ever giving these a re-read.
Or if I do, someone come check on me. Bring chicken noodle soup.
It isn't that the series is bad. These are fun little novellas full of crazy hijinks and potty humor. It just...underwhelms as it goes on. The romance is boring and centers on the heroine's total lack of self-esteem. When she does get some character growth, it is mostly because she finally gets fed up with being yanked around by the self-absorbed assholes she dates. But then one of those assholes is the romantic lead so...
He doesn't really go anywhere?
And his backstory for why he became less emotional than Batman is quite the coinkydink.
What kept me reading (and these novellas entertaining) is the extended family surrounding the heroine and romantic lead. I actually perked up and started feeling interest when we met the romantic lead's brothers. If they had side series, I'd go read those books instead. (But looks like the one brother's stories are kind of interspersed with the rest of this series? I'm not committed enough to wade through more Declan angst to find out.)
These are light. Fun. Fluffy. But in the end, dependent on either chaotic plot twists or terrible communication. So not something I'd want to re-read.