A review by red_enigma_94
HERO Force Box Set by Amy Gamet



I loved this story. It was sweet, sexy, and had some kick-ass action and suspense. The chemistry between the hero and heroine was undeniable. It was kind of insta-love with them, but I loved both Hawk and Olivia.


I honestly did not like the heroine, Jessa. I understand grief, but what she did was just plain foul. Then there’s Jax. One minute, I really felt for him. The next minute, Jax would do something to make me want to smack him. If a woman keeps telling you over and over and over again that a one-stand meant nothing—walk away! I don't care how much your natural lie-detector radar was going off. Seriously, I just couldn’t understand how he could profess love for her in the midst of all the fighting and deception. She definitely didn't pull any punches with the bitterness and anger…not even when Jax confirmed that he saw a sniper outside her home and her life was in danger. They finally got it together in the end, but for me, the damage was already done.


I didn’t appreciate the way Charlotte booked herself on the same cruise as Cowboy knowing that it was an assignment. Cowboy works with her brother, Logan at HERO Force, so she was definitely aware that this could be something dangerous. She knew about the kind of work they do there. Even after Cowboy explains to Charlotte how important this job is, how his position with HERO depends upon the success of this mission—everything--she acts like a spoiled brat calling him a coward. She’s so darn selfish wanting to have a fling that she didn't care about being a distraction or breaking his cover, messing up his job, or making him break "bro code." I didn’t even want to finish reading after that, and I tried—twice.

But I’m no quitter, so I went for a third time. It got much better. The sex was definitely hot, and the suspense was really good. I still felt like Charlotte was out of line for putting herself on that cruise though.