A review by dsanc070
Land of Outcasts by Josh Gauthier


This book is a definite must-read for fantasy lovers!

There's Eli, a mercenary with a conscience, and Sasha, THE BEST DAMN UNICORN OF ALL TIME.

The two partners in crime (literally) are on the run. After a job gone wrong that leads to a hefty bounty on their heads, Eli and Sasha head to The Green-the one place where they may be safe. But a quiet, inconspicuous life is not one that either of these two were born for and they quickly accept a job from a local that takes them further into The Green, where dangerous creatures and alleged black sorcerers reside. Needless to say, things don't go according to plan, something readers quickly learn seems to be the norm for Eli and Sasha. And it's amazing because that's when some of the best moments in the book happen.

“Sasha.” Eli turned back to his companion. “Can you hear me?”
“Eli…” Her voice came out in a rasp. “Are you there?”
“I’m here.” He stroked a hand down her neck. “You saved us,” he told her. “You saved us all.”
“Eli,” she repeated.
“I can’t see anything, you poxy idiot. Did we win?”

This story is action packed, funny, dramatic, suspenseful and the PERFECT introduction for these characters and fantasy world. Seriously, I LOVE SASHA. She's the perfect balance to Eli's seriousness.

There is so much potential for this series and I can't wait to see what adventures Eli and Sasha have next!