A review by crookedtreehouse
Kill a Man by Steve Orlando, Phillip Kennedy Johnson


I really wanted more from this book than just slapping Gay Issues on the standard underdog sports story. The premise, that an up and coming boxer's career is put in jeopardy when he's outed by a competitor, was cool. I also liked the dichotomy of the up and coming boxer's father having been a bigot who died in the ring after verbally assaulting his queer opponent. But it starts treading water about halfway through and just becomes familiar trope after familiar trope until we reach the end where we're hit with another familiar trope.

Fans of sports comics might love this, and if you're looking for an LGBTQIA+ sports comic, well ... there's Fence, Avant-Guards, and Check Please, most of which are better. But this one skews more adult without being, you know, Adult.