A review by michellesantiago
Knight of Passion by Margaret Mallory


This book really took me by surprise by being such a fun read. I tend not read as many medieval as I do other historical romances set in other eras because I keep picturing mud whenever I read medievals. You know, like muddy houses, pigs and chickens walking in mud, serfs with muddy and dirty clothes, drafty castles with a nasty moat and a muddy yard... this is probably thanks to all the medieval movies I've seen but needless to say, mud is not romantic and I prefer the glittering balls of Regency London. When I started, I did read this book with mud tinted glasses but soon I stopped thinking about all that and really got into the story.

Knight of Passion is the third book in Margaret Mallory's All the King's Men trilogy. I haven't read the first two books but there is no need to because this is a standalone book. It tells the story of Jamie Rayburn (the son of the heroine in Knight of Desire) and Lady Linnet, a lovely but headstrong French girl. I love Jamie and he is the kind of hero I enjoy reading about. He's strong, loyal, honorable, has a sense of humor and a bit of a beta hero in my opinion but he's no pushover. Then there's Linnet, whose main goal in life is to extract revenge against those who have driven her grandfather to ruin. She's your quintessential romance heroine in that she's beautiful, independent, intelligent, ahead of her time in thinking and stubborn to a fault. I liked her but I also wanted to shake her a few times and tell her to get over the whole revenge thing. My favorite parts of the book were the ones with Jamie and Linnet together. They had crazy chemistry and they needed each other and were better together than apart. I believed in their love and rooted for them.

There's also a great cast of secondary characters some of which are based on real historical figures and readers who have followed the series will enjoy reading updates of the leads in the previous books. I was surprised to find there's a lot of humor in this book and it's actually the first medieval romance that had me chuckling out loud. This is the first book I've read from the author and I thought it was well-written and highly enjoyable. I'm looking forward to more from her. If you're looking for a fun medieval with of great leads, royal intrigue, revenge and a medieval that'll make you forget about mud, Knight of Passion is it!

4.25 out of 5 stars