A review by kikiisreading
Queen of Gods by Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr


Right from the start, I still did not fully like Theron and Deina but I guess I grew to be accepting because after all they are a healthy couple and the love they have for each other is obvious but more to that later.

This book was 420 pages and while the first one was about the same length this one felt longer. In a good way. So much happened that also had me question the events of the first book because yes there also were things happening but not even close to as much as had happened here.
I wished I could have read about Dendris, Aster and Theron's way more, when they tried to flee but there was still so much. Deina getting a way out of the Underworld - twice - and getting her group together, finding ways into Poseidon's and Zeus' realms and her way to find what she is looking for. No matter how bad it was I just knew Deina would survive and they would get through, even when Theron died I knew it wasn't permanent and no matter what they all had their part, they all contributed to their success. I just wish Archis and her brother could have been reunited.

I also love that Deina got the freedom she dreamed of, that she did not have to be in the Underworld for the rest of her time, if she doesn't wish to and that her friends also got their happy ever after.

But now we get to what I did not like. This book had more romance than the other one. So much more. And it often felt so forced. Like I came to understand Theron and Deina's dynamic and - just as I hoped - there was also a lot between Deina and Nat but so many of the interactions between Theron and Deina felt forced. The constant repetition of Theron's love confession and how he will never leave her and then again she has to chose. I cannot tell how often he said it. With the very same words, maybe in different sentence structure. I love romance, am a self-claimed hopeless romantic but that was just so exhausting and this time it had nothing to do with me not liking them together - I swear by the Styx!;)
No for real, I understood that, no matter for who I was rooting, Deina wanted to live and be mortal and in that life Theron was her partner, the one she loves most.
It was just undeniable that she loves Nat just the same, if not more. So I like to think that in death she will be with him somehow, here I would be totally open for a third book for those Deinat people (is that a good shipping name?), while I hope I am not alone I also think this will never happen, so I guess I just have to hold that thought for me, imagine it and gaslight me into thinking that it is canon. Or Nat finds someone else, he may not love as much but he deserves to not be alone anymore.
I also found it hard to believe that all the gods and goddesses just truly did not care about humans, not one of them. Don't get be wrong, yes they are immortal (or were? I don't know judging from the end) so it is not surprising that they may fall in love with a mortal and also move on from their death, everyone deserves to be able to move on, live on BUT they fell in love with them all the time, sometimes truly, sometimes in a mood and then in the end they were like "meh humans I don't care". I really struggle to believe that apparently the titans were the only one who were up to helping mortals - somewhat at least. And again can't believe that EVERY god and goddess there is, doesn't care. Yes they are immortal and can't fathom the meaning of death and all and sure they get bored. I also can understand that they won't act as a human's genie regarding them endless wishes, doing what they want and that they would not care about every single one but not care at all?? Unless their immortality (which is somewhat gone now) is in question. I also don't understand how the human's service is the only thing keeping them truly immortal because what was before the first Theodesmioi?

Anyways, I hope my review isn't too much all over the place. I loved to read this book and the plot kept me hooked. I strongly recommend this!
One of my favourites now.