A review by thenia
Forged in Smoke by Trish McCallan


The adventures of SEAL Team 7 continue, and the story begins with Seth "Rawls" Rawlings experiencing an out of body experience after getting shot. He is brought back from death by Kait's healing gift, but the ghost of one of their recently deceased enemies has managed to tag along too and is hellbent on torturing him.

He keeps his little problem a secret from everyone, including the very pragmatic lab doctor Faith Ansell. Faith ended up with the team when they saved her life from their enemies who kidnapped her colleagues, and has been trying to decide whether to trust them with the secrets of what they were really working on or not.

The two of them are immediately attracted to one another by try to fight it, until
Spoilerthe team's compound is under attack and they end up fleeing together. During their escape through the compound's tunnels, Faith's weak transplanted heart gives out and she dies shortly, but thankfully Kait arrives just in time to bring her back too.

The ghost story that seemed so outlandish to her before is all too real now, and allows her to finally understand Rawls's strange behaviour a little better

I did not like Faith and how much of a hypocrite she was, considering that
Spoilertheir super secret project dealt with the paranormal too, yet she refused to even entertain the idea of Kait's abilities or Rawls's ghost being real, despite having seen proof of them herself

I remember liking the previous stories of the series a lot more, but perhaps that was because of their couples, whom we get to see quite a lot in this book too. It felt quite dense, with points of view from the main couple, one of the main villains and the team's commander Mac, foreshadowing his story that follows in [b:Forged in Ember|36608838|Forged in Ember (Red-Hot SEALs, #4)|Trish McCallan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1519062982s/36608838.jpg|20410468]. By the end of the book Rawls and Faith have gotten their happily ever after, but the team is still in trouble since their enemies are far from vanquished.

The series continues with the novella [b:Bound by Deception|33616744|Bound by Deception (Bound By, #3; Red-Hot SEALs, #3.5; Inheritance, #10)|Trish McCallan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1513769040s/33616744.jpg|54443383] and the story of the former Navy SEAL turned police detective Dante "Rio" Addario.

Previous book reviews:
Bound By Temptation (Red-Hot SEALS, #2.6) ~ ★★★★ (27/05/2017)
Bound by Seduction (Red-Hot SEALs, #2.5) ~ ★★★★ (27/12/2016)
Forged In Ash (Red-Hot SEALs #2) ~ ★★★★ (23/05/2016)
Forged in Fire (Red-Hot SEALs #1) ~ ★★★ (31/03/2016)