A review by tregina
Between two thorns by Emma Newman


I was not surprised when I learned that the author had previously written several short stories in the same world as this novel because that was the part that I found the most interesting: the fundamental worldbuilding underlying the characters, particularly the relationship between the Great Families and their patrons and minus most of the rest of Nether society. The strictures of the society and the the abuse that Cathy suffered are just violently overwrought, and the choices that were made in building those parts of the society didn't necessarily serve the story. Yes, there would obviously be clear differences between the mundane realm and the Nether (without even getting into the fae realm), and it does make sense that in a place where people don't age, they would be stuck in the past, but the way it was portrayed was a caricature of the way it might have been.

The book also ended without wrapping up several of its storylines, which rubbed me the wrong way. It's one thing to set up an ongoing situation for a series, but it's quite another to end what is presented as a complete novel on a cliffhanger regarding one of the main plots affecting its protagonist.

I loved Emma Newman's Planetfall so I was surprised by this. Its on the strength of my admiration of the author's other work that I'm willing to carry on and see where this series goes.