A review by bajidc
After Sundown by Linda Jones, Linda Howard


You know you’ve listened to too much of the “How Did This Get Made” podcast when you read about a “corona mass ejection” and you hear “GEOSTORM!” bellowing in your head. Really wild reading a story about a global catastrophe and regular folks getting a crash course in survival while actually going through it. Sadly, I think I’ve outgrown Linda’s books. I only really appreciated the initial prepper sections. The drama and “romance” (if you can call it that) were not up to par.

Superb blurb:

“She grabbed more toilet paper and canned meats—Spam, salmon, chicken, beef, multiples of each. Four big jars of peanut butter wouldn’t last long, so she made it six. She made a quick trip down the feminine hygiene aisle, then got some first-aid items: aspirin, antiseptic cream, bandages, Vaseline. She grabbed anything that looked like it might be useful, as she walked through the pharmacy section. While waiting for Carol’s prescription refills, she made another trip up and down the aisles, got more adhesive bandages, and an Ace bandage. More adhesive bandages. Another Ace bandage. No, make that three. By the time the prescriptions were ready, her shopping cart was full.”