A review by curly_entropy
And I Darken by Kiersten White


Hating knowing that it makes no sense, killing cause it is politically necessary, awkward teen years of a tomb boy with penis envy that has big boobs, choosing to ignore feelings without them becoming that messy cause it’s a waste of time. I got my Female Sith, evil cause she wants to, unlikable cause she wants to, she wants to be powerful. Of course nothing is perfect, her penis envy and the whole: you gotta be a masculine strong person to be a leader annoys me but I like Huma’s point of view and how she realizes it might be true and Radu is the other side. Even if it seems Radu’s relationship might be historically accurate and his mixed feelings are perfect, maybe the love triangle is a bit much, but I can see how it is a good way to make us see the personalities of the characters. Love Nicolai. Let’s read the next one.