A review by sonni89
The Chocolate Heart by Laura Florand


I actually finished this last week, but completely forgot to write about it.

Anyhow, 4.5 stars. THIS WAS SO GREAT! Probably my second favorite one in the series, after book 2.

It did take me a bit to get into it because I just got so frustrated with them constantly misunderstanding each other. Like, don't get me wrong, it was GOOD, but every once in a while, I was like, COME ON GUYS!!!! Anyway, once I did get really into it, everything was amazing!!!!
I think my favorite part, other than, you know, everything, was when they find out the boy/girl the other fell in love with when they were 6/10 was them. It was kind of like, yeah, okay, no big surprise, who else could it have been but you, and I LOVED that!!! Also loved loved loved when Luc realized why Summer offered him a yacht when they first met. SIGH.
Both Summer and Luc were so interesting and their issues felt so real, and they were hot together, and I really liked the resolution to their book (and that the parental issues didn't suddenly disappear).
And as a sidenote, PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, definitely recommended. Though, once again, I consumed way more chocolate than is normal during the reading of that book. Oops?