A review by nikkisbooknook
Moon Dance by Christine Pope


Unlike the other tales in this collection I wasn't aware of the tale on which this is based. But I soon got the hang of it! Iselda is fully aware of the magic in the world, after all her sister is married to a powerful mage. But magic is still outlawed and looked on with suspicion so they are in hiding in a far off land.

Iselda now stays with her aunt, uncle and cousins. She fears she will be forever in their care, after all who wants the scandal that comes with her. But when a young man comes calling and seems to find friendship with her she resolves that romance is all she will settle for, friendship is not enough. But things take a dark turn and she is manipulated into an engagement which is only a ploy to entangle her further in the evil machinations of a secret user of magic!

There were red herrings galore in this story. Just when I had it sussed, bam the bad guy was not who I thought it was. Iselda is a wonderful character and her cousins and friend are all very different. The story was great and a new one to me.

Moon Dance is inspired by the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairy tale.