A review by lisaschuu
Waiting for Doggo by Mark Mills


This book gives you what you want to take from it. Waiting for Doggo can be compared to a stranger, on the surface they may seem as one thing but deep down another. When reading this book I couldn’t help but feel that there was always a deeper moral of the story or there was a quote that was like a hidden treasure. On the surface it is a light hearted story of Daniel coming to terms with his life after his girlfriend leaves him, all with the help of Doggo (the dog).

It is a quick read that left me thinking, I’m not sure if it is my lack of school at the moment that I am analysing this a bit too far than the author intends it to be but I couldn’t help but think that Doggo was part of something bigger. A metaphor or device per say. Here we have Daniel, distraught and deteriorating when Clara leaves him and leaves Doggo with Daniel as well. Doggo is described as being ugly, not skirting around the truth that he was an ‘ugly mutt of a dog’ but what I really loved about this book and what I think adds to the appeal of the book is in fact Doggo. Doggo is a metaphor for our own lives. No matter who we are and dare I say it possibly as ugly as Doggo, there is always hope. The book mentions war, different art movements and artists and dealing with death briefly which I think in some way we can all relate to. Doggo essentially is all of us and it is through him and Daniel that we enjoy the story as the moral of Waiting for Doggo is that there is always hope, a brighter future and all that jazz. Each to their own moral; this is just what I got out of reading Waiting for Doggo but I do highly recommend it for a light read, or possibly if you are searching for something subtly insightful.

I really did enjoy reading this book and all the areas it crossed over into; romance, humour, animal loving, art and business; really this book has everything and I think that it is a book that everyone is able to get something out of.