A review by ksangabriel15
The Passion According to Carmela by Marcos Aguinis


This is another book that was just okay for me. While I found the premise intriguing, the political backdrop (fascinating as it was) soon took over and became the focus. There was far too much detail on “The Revolution” — to the point where I wondered if some of the events had actually happened — and much less emphasis placed on Carmela’s romance.

Also, I was a little confused by the narration alternating between an omniscient third person and Carmela. (WHO is the narrator?! And WHY does this book alternate between that person and Carmela??) I did enjoy reading Ignacio’s chapters, though at that point the story jumped forward in time with no warning. You’re welcome.

Finally, the ending was anticlimactic. And a cliffhanger in a way. I would’ve appreciated if this book and focused more on Carmela and Ignacio and their life after their realization that The Revolution wasn’t what they’d expected. I’d really have loved if we got more of their life after their attempted escapes. (That’s not a spoiler — I promise!)

I would probably only recommend this to people who *really* like historical fiction and/or are super interested in Cuba.