A review by lorilaws
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain


I have been drooling over The Dark Divine for months now. I wanted a copy so bad. So I was trilled when it arrived on my doorstep. Did it live up to all my excitement? Why yes, it did.

The werewolf story has been done a million times. Person is bitten by wolf. Person turns into wolf on full moon. The Dark Divine isn't your mama's werewolf story. Bree Despain has created her own mythology for her mythical creatures. It's wrapped up in religion and intrigue. I always love stories that have their own history and this one did. Despain did not rely on the "history" of the werewolf. She made her own. She did a excellent job too.

Grace is what you would expect of a pastor's daughter. She's a bit naive. A bit sheltered but she is still full of surprises. I so often find things that annoy me with main characters but I was completely happy with Grace. Daniel was perfect! He was a bad boy....or was he just misunderstood? You will have to read to find out!

The mystery starts with the very first page. All sorts of questions are asked. So I never had time to be bored. This book was a wild ride. With a gripping mystery and a romance that you have to root for. I can't wait to read more by Bree!
