A review by bookwormbunny
Bad Ra by Rosemary A. Johns


Bad Ra is the third book in Rosemary A. John’s Rebel Gods series. Bad Ra is full of drama, chaos, and danger as Autumn and her rebel gods and demons find themselves in a battle that will threaten to destory them all.
Bad Ra brings danger back to Autumn’s haven as Persephone comes demanding the return of Hades. She threatens to destroy everything unless he is returned to her and to show that she’s serious...she sets the place that they call home on fire. Hades offers himself up to stop further destruction, but Ra offers to go as well to give them an insider to stop the war that is coming. What he can’t stop is the trap that he’s walking into and the chaos that it will bring with it.
Bad Ra is an engaging story, and I think that this installment is my favorite of the series. I love that we get to see more of Ra, and how the characters come together to fight and love side by side. There is a lot going on in this book, and I have to say that I like how the author gives me flashes to what Ra is enduring. I really did want more focus of the story to be on him. Since the story is called “Bad Ra” I wanted more of him especially when he volunteers to go with Persephone.
The only other thing that I’d say is that I think that the author should use “yowl” a little less. It’s used so much throughout the story whenever a story yells, screams, or cries out. There are so many other words that can be used in place of “yowl.”
If you’ve enjoyed the Rebel Gods series then I encourage you to pick this book up. I’m rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. There are a lot of good elements that drive this story, but I just wanted the story to focus on Ra more and give me more of him.