A review by likecymbeline
The Castle of Otranto, Vathek & Nightmare Abbey by David Stuart Davies, William Beckford, Horace Walpole, Thomas Love Peacock


I always wanted to read this because of it's importance in kickstarting Gothic literature, but while I see how it ticks off a lot of boxes, possibly created a lot of boxes, I can't say it was the most enjoyable read. It's not the most well-structured, the prose is not beautiful and does not flow, the lower-class side characters are poorly accommodated in the story and fail to contribute to its betterment, and of course the idea that there's nothing more beautiful than a dead young lady is just... Well.

I also didn't expect this book to be so weird. A giant helmet falling on Conrad and dashing him to pieces. That's not really a spoiler because it happens at the start of the book. So weird. I can see where a lot of Gothic tales take off from this, what with shapeless/giant forces at play, a gloomy medieval castle, inappropriate/nigh-incestuous lust, Catholics, etc. But I could do with a little more beauty and a better-developed plot.